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Picture of Admin Tehnic
ERA+ Entrepreneurship for Rural Areas and Social Integration –Network for Guidance and Education
by Admin Tehnic - Thursday, 13 April 2017, 8:41 AM

ERA+  Entrepreneurship for Rural Areas and Social Integration –Network for Guidance and Education Project n. º 2015-1-RO01-KA202-015004.



Stowarzyszenie VESUVIO 

Eesti People to People 

Foundation  FIS 

Kocaeli Kültürel Gelişim ve Dayanışma Derneği 

Bulgarian Development Agency (BDA) 


The Centre culturel de Habay 


Technical College Gheorghe Cartianu 

Picture of Admin Tehnic
Leadership training for young enterpreneurs. ERA + (IES Esteve Terrades) 2
by Admin Tehnic - Tuesday, 14 March 2017, 10:12 PM

Picture of Admin Tehnic
How you can see students' answers on tests, for teacher.
by Admin Tehnic - Sunday, 1 January 2017, 4:57 PM

How you can see students' answers on tests, for teacher. 

Available courses

-         What comes to your head when you hear the word “self-knowledge”?

-         Are managers and leaders the same?

-         Do people learn differently and if so, how does it affect your workplace?

-         Are you a “hero” or an “interactive person?”

-          What is market?

-          Do you know what competitors are?

-          Do you know where to find consultation?

              FIND OUT IN THIS UNIT!!!!

New products flood the market daily. Millions of dollars are spent yearly developing and launching new products. But only one in 10 new products  will prove successful  and even fewer will enjoy a long shelf life.

This is  the free market reality. But we can enhance our chances for business success if the  new products we will have  share a series of  important qualities.

SWOT analyses are often used during strategic planning. They can serve as a precursor to any sort of company action, such as exploring new initiatives, making decisions about new policies, identifying possible areas for change, or refining and redirecting efforts midplan.

You will learn in this lesson :
1. What is the financial projection ?
2. What will bring business income?
3. What will be the cost?
4. What will be the anticipated profitability of the business?
5. What will be the main financial indicators?
6. What is the funding of the investment?
7. How is the financial projections cash flow?
8. What's condensed balance sheet?
9. How to analyze profit / loss?
10. What are the principles for bank financing?

In this unit,you will learn about the different tools and methodologies for promoting and advertising business

 Pre-reading Questions:  

1.      Why is  marketing strategy a ‘’must’’ in a business plan? Where does it fit in?

2.      What is ‘’graphic image’’? What do you think a successful graphic image should look like?

3.      A company’s core values often reflect the values of the owners, what values would you like your company to have?

4.      Can you name four online marketing tools?

5.What,in your opinion, are the various ways to promote social networking?

- What are the social enterprises?

- You know social enterprises in your country? 

But in other countries?

- What do you know about social entreprises legislations and specific conditions in your contry? But in other countries?

              FIND OUT IN THIS UNIT!!!!

Social enterprises pursue social values such as employment of vulnerable classes and providing of social services, contrary to the economic value-seeking general companies. However there are few studies on the social value of social enterprises, thus it is needed to study the significance of social values of social enterprises

-        Which is the difference between a regular enterprise and a social enterprise  ?

-        What do the social enterprises do ?


In this lesson You can study:


-         What is the definition of  soft skills?

-         What is the definition of hard skills?

-         What is their importance in social enterprise?

-         What are the most important soft skills for social

-         entrepreneurs ?